Hai :)
*Tadaa* hahaha.. kena tag lagi :3 Kepada siapa yang rajin nak terjah boleh pergi dekat The Liebster Award dan The Liebster Award 2.. hahaha~ Promote kemain :3 Cik Wanie sila bersabar ye.. hehehe entry dalam proses :3 Kali ini kena tag oleh (OhMyBM) hehehe Kak Alyani dalam entri Liebster Award Nomination :) OMG OMG This entry is fully English *tabik sepling*
So yeah. Now I'm gonna start typing in English. Say bye to the red lines below the words :3 Here we go~

The questions are:-
Well.. I'm very lazy to tag.. but I still want to tag :p So yea, here are the 11 questions awaiting you :p
1. What is your definition for life?
2. What do you do when you get to know that someone hates you?
3. What do you think is your biggest commitment in life?
4. What is your favourite subject (when you were) in school?
5. Have you ever met a person who you think is extra-inordinary that you can't forget him/her in your life?
6. One of your bad habit?
7. How often do you exercise?
8. How do you spend your free time?
9. What is your favourite movie(s)?
10. Which language do you use the most?
11. Do you like a blog with songs or it's annoying to you?
1. http://aejarstories.blogspot.com/
2. http://mardiahdiana.blogspot.com/
3. http://48smart.blogspot.com/
4. http://pelangiraudhah.blogspot.com/
5. http://sherrylicious7.blogspot.com/
6. http://oneylikebaboomonkey.blogspot.com/
7. http://anne-nurain.blogspot.com/
8. http://diarisedetiklebihfarisha.blogspot.com/
9. http://ainiezulaikha.blogspot.com/
10. http://ape-kinah.blogspot.com/
11. http://lepakwithcoffeelover.blogspot.com/
2. What do you do when you get to know that someone hates you?
3. What do you think is your biggest commitment in life?
4. What is your favourite subject (when you were) in school?
5. Have you ever met a person who you think is extra-inordinary that you can't forget him/her in your life?
6. One of your bad habit?
7. How often do you exercise?
8. How do you spend your free time?
9. What is your favourite movie(s)?
10. Which language do you use the most?
11. Do you like a blog with songs or it's annoying to you?
1. http://aejarstories.blogspot.com/
2. http://mardiahdiana.blogspot.com/
3. http://48smart.blogspot.com/
4. http://pelangiraudhah.blogspot.com/
5. http://sherrylicious7.blogspot.com/
6. http://oneylikebaboomonkey.blogspot.com/
7. http://anne-nurain.blogspot.com/
8. http://diarisedetiklebihfarisha.blogspot.com/
9. http://ainiezulaikha.blogspot.com/
10. http://ape-kinah.blogspot.com/
11. http://lepakwithcoffeelover.blogspot.com/
not bad hihi baru tahu yun sing ni form 3 ingatkan form 4 macam tu hee
BalasPadamBoleh tahan.. beza 1 tahun je andaian tu.. haha tapi kan.. *tunjuk dekat muka sendiri* saya ni nampak 1 tahun lebih tua ke? hihihih..
Padamhoyehh kena tag lg.. ahaha. birthday sama bulan la. heee
BalasPadamHahaha.. excited nak tag ni :p LOL berapa haribulan? Kite punya seven eleven xD
Padamhahaha.. jgn tag sy dah la :P 4/7 ! yeahh boleh buat doodle kek lg
PadamJgn risau yang dah kena tag kite tak tag dah :p hahaha..
PadamSo I need to write too? Haha!
BalasPadamLOL some sort like that :) Hahaha.. As you wish.. ^^
Padamoh St. George's ..adik sis ada kawan di situ..same age as you :)
BalasPadamOwh really? Apa namanya? Mungkin kite kenal :)
Padamadik kata kwn nye aimi syazana kot.. dulu diorang skola convent sekali masa primary :D
PadamAww.. aww.. kite kenal :D Tapi tak pernah berbual la katakan.. since form 1 tak sama kelas..