Hai :)
Sekarang ini kebanyakkan orang macam addicted gila dengan movie Frozen ini. Dulu dalam kelas seorang rakan selalu nyanyi "Let it go... Let it go..." Saya pun macam apedia... Pastu masa Bahasa Cina cikgu bawa kitaorang tengok cite ni. CD cetak rompak dia memang bagi bara -,-
Sekali tonton terus addicted :)
The snow glows white on the mountain tonight,
Not a footprint to be seen.
A kingdom of isolation,
And it looks like I'm the queen.
The wind is howling like this swirling storm inside..
Couldn't keep it in, heaven knows I tried......
Don't let them in, don't let them see,
Be the good girl you always have to be,
Conceal, don't feel,
Don't let them know....
Well, now they know,
Let it go, Let it go,
Can't hold it back anymore,
Let it go, Let it go,
Turn away and slam the door..
I don't care, what they're going to say,
Let the storm rage on,
The cold never bothered me anyway.
It's funny how some distance,
Makes everything seems small.
And the fears that once controlled me,
Can't get to me AT ALL..
It's time to see what I can do,
To test the limits and break through.
No right, no wrong,
No rules for me..
I'm FREE !!!
Let it go, Let it go,
I'm one with the wind and sky,
Let it go, Let it go,
You'll never see me cry...
Here I'll stand, and here I'll stay,
Let the storm rage on...
My power flurries through the air into the ground,
My soul is spiraling in frozen fractals all around,
And one though crystallizes like an icy blast,
I'm never going back,
The past is in the past....
Let it go, Let it go,
Then I'll rise like the break of dawn,
Let it go, Let it go,
That perfect girl is gone,
Here I'll stand, In the light of day,
Let the storm rage on.......!!
The cold never bothered me anyway.
Lirik yang ditulis berdasarkan memori. Nampak sangat budak ni dah terhafal lagu sebab kerap sangat dengar.. *kahkahkah* So kalau salah jangan marah sebab ni hasil kerja low class *pulok*.
Sudah banyak version yang orang buat pasal lagu ni yang kita nampak.. Lawak mia pun ada.. saya sendiri ada ubah lirik lagu.. Dok nyanyi dalam kelas.. gelak sampai guru disiplin kelas sebelah marah. Dok giler kentang.
Ini contoh version yang ada buat masa sekarang.. Saya pun dok plan nak buat.. hahaha.. dasar perosak lagu :3
Ini contoh version yang ada buat masa sekarang.. Saya pun dok plan nak buat.. hahaha.. dasar perosak lagu :3

kawan akk pon suka and hafal lagu nie..even dah besar pon still tgk cte kartun haha
BalasPadamDah terhafal sebab banyak sangat dengar xD
Padamhermm sebenarnya kan tk tgk lg movie frozen ni haha
BalasPadamhaishh rasa ketinggalan je
Rasanya lagu dalam Bahasa Malaysia pun ada . Penyanyi dia Marsha . HIHI . Nice song :)
BalasPadamselamat berhujung minggu..indah lagunya.
BalasPadamsetuju! yg last sekali xD
BalasPadamtapi saya x addicted pun.. rasa biasa je cerita dan lagu tu.. lain orang lain citarasa. :)
BalasPadamserius best bila tgk kt opis... kerja pun terbengkalai. hehee. best juga lgu let it go yg demi lovato nyanyi
BalasPadamExactly man. Hahaha. Best giler.. semua lagu dalam cite Frozen ni best giler kwot :)